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Washing cannabis buds after harvesting

Instructions for flushing cones after harvester at home


Instructions for flushing cones after harvester at home

At first glance it may seem strange, even frightening, to dip your cones in a liquid. The very idea of dipping freshly picked cones in water may seem crazy, at best pointless.




flushing cannabis after harwest


During flowering your cannabis buds will collect a lot of dust, dirt and insects, all of which will affect the taste of the final product. Washing the buds after harvesting will help to get rid of these components. This will give you a cleaner product, free from insects and various pathogens. If you have applied neem oil or sprayed cannabis leaves and the product accidentally gets on the buds, this method will help wash it off. You'll also get rid of dust and dirt. It's a bit like washing shop-bought fruit and vegetables. Buds treated in this way smoke better and are virtually cough-free.

Often growers worry that something will happen to the trichomes and the water will wash them away, ruining the flavour and reducing the strength of the nakura. In fact, trichomes are quite sticky, so even soaking the cones in water will not harm them in any way, but will only help to get rid of dead insects, dirt and dust. Many who have tried this technique never want to go back to the old ways of treating cones. As well as being effective, rinsing is an incredibly simple process that only takes a few minutes. It requires no complicated equipment or harmful chemicals. 

 It is worth noting that if there was mould on the plants due to an inappropriate microclimate or other reasons, rinsing will not get rid of it. Note. Washing the cones is different from soaking them in water. They are two different techniques.





When rinsing was first mentioned on the forums, many people claimed that it would wash all the cannabinoids and terpenes off the buds.

This is not true, as outdoor cannabis that is caught in the rain during flowering does not lose its trichomes. Otherwise it would only be grown indoors. Trichomes are too sticky to simply wash off with water. It is difficult to remove the resin from bongs, hands and various surfaces, even with common cleaning products.





Rinsing the bumps can help in many situations. For example, if you've recently had a spider mite infestation, there will be a lot of dirt and residue on the buds, much of which you won't be able to see. Also, whether you grow indoors or outdoors, there will always be dust in the air and pollutants in the city. Dust not only collects on the equipment in the growroom, but also on the plants themselves, especially the sticky buds, all of which can end up in your lungs when you smoke. 



What you will need:

  1. - Three large buckets large enough to fully submerge the cones (10 litre buckets should be sufficient);
  2. - Baking powder;
  3. - Lemon juice;
  4. - Warm water;
  5. - A large spoon for stirring.



  • Bucket 1

Fill one of the three buckets with warm water (about 20°C).

Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice per litre. This means that for a 10 litre bucket you will need 20 teaspoons of baking soda and the same amount of lemon juice. Stir until they dissolve. 

The soda and lemon juice will help to remove dirt and pathogens without harming the trichomes.


  • Bucket 2

Also fill this bucket with warm water - you'll need it for the first rinse of the bumps.


  • Bucket 3

Fill this bucket with cold water. You will use this for the final rinse.



Before you start, place all the buckets close together for easy access and find an empty container to temporarily store the rinsed cones in. You don't need to pluck them from the stalks - you can rinse the cones whole. 

Tip. Don't forget to prepare a place to dry the cones beforehand.


  • Step 1: Gather the cones

Use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut the cones from the cannabis bush. It is more convenient to take whole branches for washing and drying, especially if they are few and large.

The stems should be long enough so that you don't have to touch the cones with your hands.


  • Step 2: Trim the cones

It is best to trim the cones before washing. This will get rid of the excess chlorophyll and the grassy flavour. You can also trim them after rinsing and drying if you prefer.


  • Step 3: Dip the cones into the first bucket

Take a cola and fully submerge it in the first bucket of lemon juice and baking soda. After a few seconds, the sticky residue will start to fly off the cones. 

Holding the stalk firmly, gently and evenly rinse it in the water for about 30 seconds. The longer you do this, the more dirt you will wash off.

Then pull out the pole and shake the water off for a few seconds.


  • Step 4: Rinse the cones in the second bucket

Now do the same in the second bucket: rinse the pole for 30 seconds and then shake off the water.


  • Step 5: Rinse the cones one last time

Dip the branch into a third bucket of cold water and repeat the same steps. At this point you will probably see how much dirt was left on the surface in the first two buckets. Without rinsing, this would all remain on the cones.


  • Step 6: Hang the branches to dry

Freshly harvested cones are susceptible to mould, especially after rinsing, so hang them out to dry immediately. This is best done in a well-ventilated room.

Use a couple of overhead fans: turn them on full blast for about an hour to quickly evaporate most of the water. Then turn them down to a gentle breeze.



The process of rinsing the buds themselves is simple, and it's hard to go wrong here, even if it's your first time growing cannabis. The most important part comes after that - drying. Moisture is bad for the buds, so try to dry them as quickly as possible to prevent them from getting mouldy.


You can buy cannabis seeds on our website, and for your first experience we recommend some beginner varieties.

Washing buds is not a difficult technique, but it does require patience and a suitable place to dry. If you have the opportunity, try this method to see if it works for you. 


*All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a guide or a call to action. All materials are taken from the internet.

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